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Performing National Identity

Singing the national anthem has been a convention since the Super Bowl I in 1967, it is possible that national identity is gradually externalised through this periodical entertainment performance and transmitted through national symbols.

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Appropriating National Identity

The combination of militarism and sports serves as a marketing and branding strategy that is applied by the National Football League (NFL) to promote the Super Bowl, for instance, they are making football merchandise embodied with military symbols and patriotic colours.

Rather than organic, wholesome expressions of patriotism and collectivity, the tradition of players standing for the national anthem may have coincided with economic marketing gimmicks to sell manufactured national identity


Fabricating National Identity

In 2015, According to a report released by Republican senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, the Department of Defense (DoD) had spent $6.8m of taxpayers money to fund more than 50 professional teams including the National Football League (NFL) by signing advertising contracts with football teams. In return, the teams promised to organise displays of national pride including on-field colour guard, enlistment and reenlistment ceremonies, performances of the national anthem and full-field flag details.

National identity has become a buyable and sellable product and the line between public money and private money is not clear anymore

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